10 in Demand Skills To Further Your Career

The world is constantly changing, as is the market with it. In order to keep up with the ever-growing demands of the market, here are a few of the most in demand skills right now – which businesses will pay an arm and a leg for.

learning skills

1. Cloud Computing And Cybersecurity

Demand for cloud computing knowledge has skyrocketed in recent years, particularly with the expansion of several top-notch cloud providers and services (e.g. Azure and AWS). Cloud engineers are the professionals tasked with all the technical duties necessary for cloud computing, which can range from designing the software to implementing and maintaining systems. Among other benefits, cloud computing can help save space and money since companies don’t have to manage their own infrastructure.

Other IT positions, such as network engineers, system engineers, and database administrators can all augment and propel their career with the addition of cloud computing skills.

Cybersecurity is about keeping data private, and all the technical skills required to do that. Like cloud computing, it is in high demand and offers many high paying career paths – and cybersecurity skills can also help your job prospects if you hold other types of IT jobs.

2. Sales Leadership

Good luck finding a profitable company that doesn’t have a least a few great salespeople on staff! Individuals who can manage a sales team as well as understand the sales funnel and the requirements and capabilities of their business are a hot commodity.

At the end of the day, sales are a large part of what makes and keeps businesses profitable. Having great sales-minded people on staff is a must in every industry. Being able to close deals and help others succeed, as well as keeping the big picture in mind, are all mandatory if you want to pursue a career in sales. A good place to start is by working on those communication skills!

man and woman shaking hands in office

3. Analysis And Troubleshooting Abilities

In most things in life, being able to investigate issues and find solutions is going to make everything immensely easier for you. Most positions you apply for will desire strong analytical skills, many will require the ability to figure out solutions to at least moderately complex problems, and in any business or side hustle of your own it can only be a boon.

You probably already have these abilities – and use them daily – but if you’re lacking and see room for improvement, don’t forget they’re just as important as everything else on this list. Try doing puzzles, playing sudoku, reading books, taking courses, DIY projects – anything to keep yourself sharp.

4. Video And Audio Production

Skills related to recording and editing video and audio are in high demand these days. While many people go to school for both, it is possible to learn a good deal about audio and video production on your own.

For video all you need is a camera, a computer, and editing software. For the software there are tons of free options to try out, but once you test the waters you may decide you need to shell out some money for advanced features.

With audio, all you need to add in is a decent microphone and some software for editing. Like video, there are tons of free options for you to play around with before deciding to spend additional money.

5. Coding

At this point, most people are probably familiar with what coding is – if you aren’t, or want a simpler explanation, think of it as just a way to give instructions to a computer. Positions for developers are constantly opening, and the demand doesn’t seem to be in any danger of slowing down. In addition to ample job prospects, you can also create your own applications and games to make more money – or even automate something you do on a regular basis!

Due to the size and demand of the field, it is easy to find tutorials and guides online to help get you started. Whether you want to do intense back-end coding or learn the basics to program minor things, just remember to keep it simple – it isn’t as hard as it sounds.

6. Time Management

A bit obvious, I know. Being able to prioritize, schedule meetings or tasks, and meet deadlines is important in everything you’ll do. You’re only human, nobody expects you to be at peak performance every moment of the day or to work until you collapse. However, being productive and managing your time effectively will help you get more results out of the time you have.

If you have trouble with time management, start keeping a simple weekly agenda or to-do list – and stick to it (don’t procrastinate!). Once you’re able to do that, it will probably come more naturally to you.

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7. Creative Thinking

Loosely related to troubleshooting and problem solving, creativity can be one of the most important skills for companies to have in their employees. Following tradition or older processes can be good (and sometimes the best option), but you need to be able to think of new processes and new ways to solve issues that pop up. Industries and markets change – fast. Something that wasn’t remotely possible a decade ago could be the ideal now, you just have to be willing to explore new ideas.

To save themselves from stagnation, businesses need creative people in every type of role – and most seem to reward it handsomely.

8. UX Design

UX design is the design for the entire “user experience” – which includes branding, usability, and function. It’s essential for making digital products and brands more readable for consumers. The field is still growing, but it’s a job where you need to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Developing this skill may be a little harder than most but it is still doable. If you are building your own website, application, or some other product you can use that to test out different aspects of UX design.

9. Teamwork

Almost every high-paying job requires a decent amount of teamwork, at least in spurts. A strong team can achieve infinitely more than a single person can, and most businesses use that to their advantage. Being able to know how you complement others and using that to produce results is a must.

Understanding people, meeting expectations, being diplomatic, and being respectful of others are all abilities that will help you achieve great things – putting you in a better position over the long run. It may be surprising, but companies will often turn down excellent candidates for a position if they think they’ll be unable to play well with others!

10. Translation

More businesses than ever before are operating in countries all over the world, and with that comes the increased demand for good translators. Of course, to be a translator you’ll have to be fluent in at least two languages to start, and many companies and agencies prefer that you have even more under your belt!

Translating is more than matching the definition of a word in one language to a definition of another word in a different language. Languages can be incredibly complex, and a translator needs to be aware of common idioms and cultural norms associated with each language. If that sounds hard, find a way to immerse yourself in another country’s culture and you’ll pick it up much faster.

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Hopefully you found this interesting and helpful – if you think I didn’t discuss an important skill, please let me know what it is in the comments. Additionally, for more content like this, be sure to sign up for the Bitter to Richer newsletter.

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Top Recommendations:

  1. If you want everything in one place, check out my Financial Fundamentals spreadsheet. It includes a budgeting template, net worth tracker, financial goals tracker, and even calculators for short-term savings goals, retirement, and home affordability!
  2. For those who are new to saving and investing, Acorns is a huge boon. Think of it like training wheels, as it can help you start off on the right tracking by automating your savings and investments - and teaching you what you need to know along the way.
  3. Personal Capital is one of my favorite tools. It has a plethora of features for you, and contains a multitude of free financial tools that make it easier than ever to manage your money.
  4. My favorite brokerage is currently M1 Finance. They have tons of great index funds, ETFs, and stocks to choose from. With them investing is easy and highly customizable. Whether you're an advanced investor or someone who prefers simple solutions, they will suit your needs.