6 Amazing Tips For Avoiding Burnout

Burnout is an absolutely wretched point where you cross the line from stressed and tired into utter exhaustion. In other words, burnout is when you’ve found your breaking point and gone far past it. Letting yourself get to that level is counterproductive. Not only will you be unable to work at the level you were before, but you may be too exhausted to handle basic chores, relationships, or activities you previously enjoyed. Now, I’m sure many of our viewers haven’t experienced burnout, but some have, and I’m sure most of you have at least seen a loved one go through it.

With that said, you probably know that it’s not an exaggeration to say burnout can cause someone’s life to collapse around them. It’s important to see the signs and work on avoiding burnout before you stretch yourself too thin.

6 Amazing Tips for Avoiding Burnout

What Exactly Is Burnout?

As I mentioned earlier, it’s reaching the “line” and crossing it. However you go about it, burnout is basically your mind, and even your body, shutting down from too much work and stress. The most common cause of burnout is usually related to biting off more than you can chew and not taking time to relax.

Think of situations where you end up taking on extra shifts, pulling all-nighters, or even taking that job with the 10% raise that makes you work 80 or more hours. It can also be caused by letting your anxiety overwhelm your life and make you so obsessed and worried about everything that you go overboard trying to fix it. Sometimes, it is a combination of both. Whatever your situation is, just know there is a point where you can have far too much on your plate. Don’t cross that line.

What Are The Downsides Of Burnout?

Now, I hope a lot of these are obvious, but if they aren’t I want to stress them to you.

  • You won’t be able to keep up with work or personal obligations anymore
  • Chores and errands will be even more draining
  • You’ll be too exhausted to enjoy your hobbies and you’ll feel too stressed to focus on them if you’re even able to find spare time to spend on them
  • You’ll lose major traction towards reaching your goals
  • You’re more likely to get sick and experience muscular fatigue
  • You can become depressed

What Are The Signs You’re About To Approach Burnout?

Some of this may seem obvious, but it’s still worth re-evaluating your current situation to make sure you’re not pushing yourself too far. If a lot of these hit home, you may be approaching (or already past) burnout. Some of these are also signs of being in a rut, and if you find yourself in a rut just know that there is always a way out – but that’s a topic for another day.

You’re Absolutely, Undeniably Exhausted

This is one of the most common signs and is recognizable when you’re going through it as well as if you’re seeing someone else struggle with it. Most often, this will be mental exhaustion along the lines of headaches, constant stress, drowsiness, and the like.

However, this can be related to the more physical aspects as well. If you also notice muscle fatigue and the inability to do things you once could, that is another sure sign that you’re pushing yourself too hard. If you’re highly ambitious and constantly taking on new things, remember to find a balance between your career or business and your personal life and well-being.

You’re Constantly Trying To Find An Escape

Whether it’s substance abuse or just trying to escape to personal fantasies, this is one to be exceptionally wary of. Alone, it isn’t a sign of burnout, but coupled with other things it is. Regardless, you don’t want to fall into this rabbit hole. Often, the path to recovery is a seemingly insurmountable mountain, so avoid this type of issue at all costs as a general rule of thumb.

You’re Not Able To Enjoy Your Activities Or Community

If you no longer have the time to ever indulge in your hobbies or passion projects, that can slowly eat at you (depending on how important they are). Even more, if you no longer have time to be an active member of your community, that can be absolutely devastating. Even if you’re incredibly introverted, routine human interaction and surrounding yourself with a strong community is a must.

You may not realize it if you’ve never had it, but a good community can make a world of difference. If you’ve had a community, and lost it, you understand how big of an impact that makes and how much your community can impact you for the better (and I say that as a rather reserved, private person).

You’re Constantly Sick

As I mentioned earlier, when you deal with burnout you’re more likely to get sick. If you notice that you’re constantly falling ill back-to-back, that could be another sign. Of course, whether or not you have other signs, I’d suggest seeing a local doctor if you’re having constant recurring illness.

You’re Constantly Angry, Bitter, Or Anxious

If any of these feelings are eating you up constantly, that’s yet another sign of burnout. It’s a bad behavior in-and-of itself, but dealing with burnout can lead you down the path to feel that way.

How Do I Know These Are Signs Of A Bigger Issue?

One of these signs might not mean that you’re dealing with burnout, but if you’re dealing with multiple, it is likely. Even if you only have one or two, it’s a good idea to try to think of ways to take control of your life and get it back on track. These signs are serious issues, none should be taken lightly, and they should be further inspiration to take the time you need to take care of your mental and physical health, for which there are many options.

Here Are Six Tips For Avoiding Burnout In The First Place

Hard times in life are the harsh reality, but you can avoid burnout with some of the following tips.

1. Eat Healthy, Get A Good Night’s Rest, And Exercise

It seems silly, but taking care of your physical health helps with your mental health, and it makes sure you have the energy you need to get through your busy schedule.

2. Take A Break

If you’re approaching the point of no return, it’s definitely time for you to take a step back and enjoy a breather. When you’re back you’ll be more productive, since you’ll be refreshed, but make sure you actually utilize your break. During this period don’t take business calls or work on anything related to it. For cheap vacation tips, you can check out my article.

3. Know Your Limits

Alone, this won’t help you, but in conjunction with one or more of the other methods it can make sure you don’t go too far. Make sure you know where you need to draw the line and get some rest and relaxation.

4. Find Ways To Enjoy Your Average Day

If you have a hectic schedule, see if you can go about it in a way that will make it more enjoyable for you. It doesn’t matter what it is, or how small, but anything you can do to add some joy to your day will make it much more bearable for you.

5. Make Time For Hobbies Every Single Day

Don’t lose sight of what you enjoy most and make a little bit of time for it each day. If you’re able to have a healthy dose of that special activity for you every week, it can help give you the boost you need to succeed without cracking.

6. Last But Not Least, If You Need Help – Ask For It

If you’re being pushed to your limit, don’t be afraid to ask for help from others in your life like coworkers, friends, and family. They can’t take the entire burden off of you, but if you’re honest with them they can at least take some of the load off of your shoulders.

asking for help with burnout


Burnout can obviously cause a huge upheaval in your life. Not only does it affect your work, but it impacts your personal life and mental health. Whatever situation you’re in, do your best to take care of yourself and stop before you stretch yourself too thin. No matter what you do, make sure you’re able to enjoy at least part of your day (but preferably much more). If you have anything to add, or an experience to share, please include it in the comments below!

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Top Recommendations:

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