Your Spending On Groceries Is Out Of Control

People often struggle with staying in their budget when they get to the grocery store. Often, people spend more money than they can afford to on frivolous things – or they just don’t know the best way to save money while shopping. In this article I’ll be going over how the average American’s spending on groceries has gotten out of control, as well as what can be done to make it more manageable.

Spending On Groceries

Your Health

First off, I understand that the healthier items and ingredients at the store often come at a premium. Even so, these healthier items should be the priority. If something needs to be dropped in order to afford the food and ingredients that keep you healthy, then drop it! Items like alcohol, junk food, and soda are not necessities. I understand that everyone may have their own vice, but if you’re struggling financially then that needs to be kept in check. If you’re able to afford everything else you actually need to stay healthy, then you can add back in some of those less healthy options that are wants and not necessities.

Sourcing Good Food For A Reasonable Price

Take the time and energy and research prices around you at your local stores. Perhaps one chain is better than another in one way, and your mom-and-pop shop is better in another. Take note of the prices you can get at different places and keep that in mind when you plan where you’ll be shopping.

Brands Are Changing, Change With Them

Some brands are not as healthy or cheap as they once were. I understand that it can be hard to change with the times, but it’s crucial to keep track of these changes. If a brand you used to love no longer offers a good price, then it may be time to move on and try a different one.

Spending On Groceries Is Pointless If You’re Still Constantly Eating Out

Eating out is a huge expense for most people. Staying in and cooking can not only help your wallet but your health as well. For the average person, this is usually the first and easiest tip for them to tackle to see a significant financial benefit.

Make More Homemade Meals

These days it may seem hard to stay on a tight budget while trying to eat somewhat healthy, but there are actually tons of options available to us. Even if you’re a picky eater, or have dietary restrictions, you can always find a way to make do with even some of the most basic ingredients. The easiest way to achieve these is by experimenting at home with different dishes you can cook yourself, then doing meal preparation in advance. It can save you a lot of time and money, plus it makes it easier to eat healthy!

Groceries Should Be Less Than $1000 For Most Households Each Month

I know this is an unpopular belief, but for average families of 3-5, there is no reason that your groceries should exceed $1000 each month. If you live in one of the highest cost of living locations, this may be different. However, most of us should not be spending more than $200 each week at the grocery store!


I get it, it sounds silly to a lot of you. However, growing up I met many people who were religious about couponing. As far as trying to save money at the grocery store, it has to be mentioned. For those who get good at it, you can save a lot of money and free up some extra wiggle room in your budget. I’d suggest giving it a try – you’ll probably be surprised at how much money you can actually save. It doesn’t cost money and can save you a lot in the log run. Coupons may not be quite as amazing as they used to be, but if you stay mindful then you’re bound to find a good deal.

Buy In Bulk

Some of this goes without saying, but just in case you haven’t really bought items in bulk before I wanted to stress a few things. First, don’t buy something in bulk if you haven’t tried it before. It’s an unnecessary gamble, and it often has an unpleasant result. Second, make sure you have all the space you need at home to store your new purchases. If you haven’t prepared for it, buying in bulk can eat up a lot of your pantry space fast. Last, buying in bulk is the best time to use coupons and sales. This will help you save even more money, so make sure you pay attention to any discounts that are available.

So, if you want to buy in bulk, be sure you’re prepared and can use whatever it is you purchase before it goes bad. Don’t buy something just because there is an option to buy it in bulk either. Test it first and do the math to see if you’re actually saving money. While buying in bulk can help you cut costs, it does have a bit of a barrier for entry. If your budget is already maxed out, make sure you can afford the membership fees and the extra expenses in the short-term from buying in bulk.

At The End Of The Day, Inflation Is A Real Problem

Inflation can hit hard, especially when it comes to food. If you practice these techniques and stay mindful of your budget and the different options available in your area, you’ll still be able to handle the times where there are increases in the price of certain items or inflation is outpacing your salary increases.


There you have it, ways to manage your spending at the grocery store and how to be prepared when inflation rears its ugly head. The times won’t always be great, which is why it’s important to always stay on top of your spending and practice good habits.

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Top Recommendations:

  1. If you want everything in one place, check out my Financial Fundamentals spreadsheet. It includes a budgeting template, net worth tracker, financial goals tracker, and even calculators for short-term savings goals, retirement, and home affordability!
  2. For those who are new to saving and investing, Acorns is a huge boon. Think of it like training wheels, as it can help you start off on the right tracking by automating your savings and investments - and teaching you what you need to know along the way.
  3. Personal Capital is one of my favorite tools. It has a plethora of features for you, and contains a multitude of free financial tools that make it easier than ever to manage your money.
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