Start Here!

Hello! I started Bitter to Richer to help people learn about personal finance – without all the jargon. It’s possible for all of us to master the fundamentals of finance and use money to help us reach our goals in life. Start here and I’ll help you along your own personal path to success!

This page is a reference tool for everyone who is new to this blog. Some of my readers are just starting out and need help learning all the basics. Others are experienced, yet struggling with debt and searching for ways to eliminate it. There are even some readers who are already worth millions but want advice on how to use their money to improve their life – or want to know how to keep it. No matter where you are on your own personal finance journey, this page can help direct you to the information you need!

A good start if you need more information on setting financial goals, making budgets, the ideas behind minimalism, and common tools and templates you can use.

This helps if you want to understand debt and need to learn how to eliminate it. It also provides information on fundamental concepts like emergency funds, credit scores, and common types of insurance.

Great for learning the basics of long-term investing, the stock market, and common investment goals or priorities. Additionally, it can help you manage risk more successfully.

It’s useful if you are interested in the FIRE movement or need additional information on retirement planning. It also includes detailed information about the different types of retirement accounts.

It’s perfect if you’re debating whether you want to buy or rent your primary residence, plus it includes details about several different types of real estate investments. It also covers ways to figure out if real estate is the right investment for you, or if you need to do more research before diving in.

An ideal starting point if you are deciding whether to start a business or continue with your day job. It also covers the process behind choosing a new career as well as how to grow throughout it. Additionally, it includes tips on how to grow your professional network.

If you want to start a side hustle or business, this has several key tips to be mindful of. It outlines the first six months of any new side hustle, and it gives details about how you can turn a side hustle into a full-time business. If you need tips on work-life balance, you can also find that here.

If you already have many personal finance fundamentals down, this can help you incorporate hobbies and personal enrichment into your life. After all, your money is a tool that you should use to improve your life!

Use the information here to help fix your mindset around money and personal growth if you feel like that’s your current issue.

This has information on all the other articles, including their major infographics and topics. If you’re a beginner that needs a good resource to keep coming back to, this is perfect for that.