Value Yourself: The Key To Acceptance and Constant Improvement

These days, it seems like a lot of men and women don’t value themselves. You should always try to constantly improve yourself and your finances, which in turn can drastically increase the quality of your life. Plus it gives you a sense of security, opens doors for you, or even lets you help others in life-changing ways. Still, even though you should be constantly working on yourself, you should also value yourself. Don’t forget what you’re worth and what you bring to the table in any given situation!

Value Yourself: The Key To Acceptance and Constant Improvement

Learn And Recover

First off, failure in an of itself isn’t something to be afraid of. Yes, it sucks. It’s unpleasant. Nobody wants to fail, after all. With that said, I want you to keep that in mind with your risks as well. If the only downside of a risk is that you’ll have failed and received a wounded ego – well, that’s not a good reason to bail on at least giving it a go. After all, a setback doesn’t diminish your value, in fact it can increase it if you learn from it!

Take Those Compliments

Which brings me to my next point – the opposite of failing. When you succeed or have good moments, it’s important to accept and even enjoy the compliments you receive. A lot of people are coy about taking compliments, but you’re not being arrogant if you accept a compliment about something you worked hard to achieve. Think about it from the mindset of when you’re the one giving compliments. You probably mean well and want to encourage or praise the person. It’s no fun when someone rejects your compliment or is sheepish about it, so keep that in mind next time someone compliments you.

Give Your Goals And Aspirations Their Due

Setting goals is important, but it’s also important to make them specific and achievable. If you have a hard time doing that, I suggest using the SMART method. If you don’t know what that is, it means that you need to set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. An example of a good goal to help you manage your time better might be something like “between 8 AM and 12 PM I will not answer my personal phone or do anything unrelated to work.”

Additionally, setting hard time limits can be a boon when you’re trying to figure out how much you can accomplish. Of course, if you give yourself a deadline that is clearly unattainable, then you’ll end up hurting yourself in the long run. Start taking note of how long it takes you to do certain tasks, especially if they’re somewhat routine, so you can start setting realistic timelines.

Beyond all of that, make sure you’re also actively giving your goals and aspirations the time they deserve. If it’s important to you, then it should be a priority in your life and schedule. Don’t let aspirations that are important to you fall by the wayside. If you do that then they’ll remain just that – aspirations and nothing more.

Don’t Play The Comparison Game

I hate having to mention this, but it’s a must. Playing the comparison game will inevitably end with you feeling bitter. Obviously, we want to go from bitter to richer, not just become or stay bitter. Comparison is truly the thief of all joy, so if you have to compare yourself to somebody, compare yourself to your past self. That’s honestly your only real competition. As long as you’re making progress, that should be something to encourage you and help spur you on to a brighter future!

So, with that said, don’t compare yourself to other people. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, so don’t be upset that some people are better at different aspects of life.

Stop Simping

Don’t degrade yourself by pursuing someone who isn’t interested in you. It’s not a turn-on to have someone fawning over you – so back off. Besides, simping just degrades yourself. You’re worth a lot more than that. If someone makes you bend over backwards to be with them or just for some attention, know that you deserve better and find someone who will be a good partner for you!

Serve Others, But Also Yourself

We all want to help other people, but there is a point we cannot cross – a limit where we’re no longer able to function or take care of our own basic needs. It’s one thing to toe that line, and another thing to cross it. Be wary of pushing yourself too hard, as I’ve said before and will say countless times in the future. We all want to help others, and that’s important to do, but you can’t discard your own priorities either!

Life Is A Balancing Act

At the end of the day, life is a bit of a balancing act. We can never have all the answers, and focusing too hard on any one thing can be a bit too much to handle for any individual. You need to strike the right balance between work and play, especially regarding things like making your friends happy as well as the pursuit of your life goals and everything you hold dear. Of course, sometimes you’ll be pushed harder than you’d like – but it can help with your long-term happiness if you’re able to strike a balance and stick to it.

Accept Who You Are, But Keep Improving

As I said earlier, it’s important to keep improving yourself while still valuing yourself for the person you currently are. Nobody is perfect, so we can all find room for improvement, but valuing your strengths and acknowledging your weaknesses is an important part of making real improvement.

Set Boundaries

I think most people acknowledge that boundaries need to be made, but many have a hard time setting them and sticking to them. Think about what boundaries and limits people have pushed with you in the past. Once you have identified a few of those, make sure you start setting and enforcing those boundaries in your personal life.

Don’t Settle In Life

Furthermore, it’s not just enough to improve yourself or enforce your boundaries. To a certain extent, you need to make yourself a priority. Of course, you must be realistic – but don’t settle for something that you don’t want or appreciate.

Play To Your Strengths

Rather than blindly following a passion, it may be better to look at the areas in which you excel. It’s easier to find a career based on work you’re good at and can enjoy doing, rather than what you enjoy the most currently. Also, when you become skilled at something, or are naturally talented at it, you generally enjoy it a bit more anyway. Following your passion can be a bit self-centered, and ultimately less fulfilling than being able to contribute a lot to the world or society. Seeing your labor impact others in a positive way will keep you going a lot further than the unpredictable whims of passion.

Acknowledge When You Need To Get Help

When you’re struggling, and completely unsure how you should handle a situation, it pays to seek out advice and to listen to others. Now, I’m not saying you need to follow their advice, but it’s important to listen. They may have wisdom that can help you with your risk assessment, finding ways to mitigate the risk, and consequently your final decision.


Hopefully you already value yourself, but use the topics covered here to help you appreciate what you bring to the table and identify how you can treat yourself better. If you have any thoughts of your own you’d like to share, please mention them in the comments.

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Top Recommendations:

  1. If you want everything in one place, check out my Financial Fundamentals spreadsheet. It includes a budgeting template, net worth tracker, financial goals tracker, and even calculators for short-term savings goals, retirement, and home affordability!
  2. For those who are new to saving and investing, Acorns is a huge boon. Think of it like training wheels, as it can help you start off on the right tracking by automating your savings and investments - and teaching you what you need to know along the way.
  3. Personal Capital is one of my favorite tools. It has a plethora of features for you, and contains a multitude of free financial tools that make it easier than ever to manage your money.
  4. My favorite brokerage is currently M1 Finance. They have tons of great index funds, ETFs, and stocks to choose from. With them investing is easy and highly customizable. Whether you're an advanced investor or someone who prefers simple solutions, they will suit your needs.