Working Up The Ranks Of The Corporate Ladder

I think most of us, at one point or another, have fantasized about how our career will progress. Maybe you have some 300-point plan to get you to where you want to be, or perhaps you just have a general idea of where you want to end up. Whatever you currently think, and wherever you currently are, there are several ways you can start working up the ranks of the corporate ladder. Knowing what they are, recognizing them, and seeing the benefits of each can help you further your career. Of course, developing additional skills to further your career won’t hurt either.

Beyond that, make sure you round yourself out with hobbies, supplement your income if you need to, and be sure you don’t rely on passion alone to get your through your working years. Remember, your career isn’t everything!

Working Up The Ranks Of The Corporate Ladder

What Is The Corporate Ladder?

The term “corporate ladder” provides wonderful imagery for how a lot of people view the corporate world. It indicates career progression, with lower paying and entry-level jobs on the bottom rungs, middle management somewhere in the middle, and executives on the top rungs of the ladder. A lot of people use the term as a way to describe a mostly linear career progression. Now, careers don’t always follow a clean linear progression, but it does the job well at getting the point across.

Pros Of Climbing The Ladder

  • The potential for increased job satisfaction
  • Significant salary increases
  • Better benefits
  • A higher status that comes with rising through the ranks

Cons Of Climbing The Ladder

  • Increased competition
  • The potential for incredibly long hours
  • More travel
  • You’re put in more stressful situations
  • You will have additional responsibilities
  • It may not have a great ROI in terms of the time away from family

How To Climb The Corporate Ladder

There are countless opinions on how to climb the corporate ladder. At the end of the day, it depends on your exact situation and what your specific goals are. However, a good general rule of thumb is to work hard and smart. If that’s not specific enough for you, let’s break down several things you can do to guarantee a better chance of success. Of course, these don’t cover everything, but they’re a good way to get started!

Know What You Want

Clearly, in order to figure out what type of career or where you’ll end up, you’ll need to know what you want out of your job and your personal priorities. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for this, but it helps if you take the time to get to know your wants and needs well. You could always take an online career or personality test, but I would only do that help you brainstorm (in other words, take any results with a huge grain of salt).

Find where your interests and your talent overlaps. Figure out what you want to learn. Set your personal and financial goals, so you know your absolute minimum requirements. When it comes to things like working remote, the number of hours you work per week, travel required, and anything like that, it’s best to make a list of your priorities. Carefully define your must-have items as well as your can’t-have (under any condition) items. Once you know what you want, it becomes much easier to find the right path to get there.

The Four Pillars Of Success

I’m sure you’ve heard about the 4 Ps before. People define the four pillars of success in a lot of different ways, so I’ll just give my personal take and explanation here.

1. Effort

It takes hard work to become successful. There is no way to really get around that. If you want to become excellent at something, then you need to put in the effort to get there. While climbing the corporate ladder, you’ll need to give a lot of effort along the way.

2. Consistency

This doesn’t mean you have to give 110% of yourself at all times, but it does mean you need to keep showing up. Give a good effort, and stay steady in your pursuit. You’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve with just a little bit of consistency over a few years!

3. Dedication

Some people may call this pillar something like “passion,” but I’m not a big fan of throwing that word around. Rather, you should be dedicated to your goals and have a good reason for pursuing them. Whatever that reason is, it’ll be personal to you. Perhaps you want to provide a better life for your family, or leverage your abilities to spark change in the world. Whatever the reason, make sure you know what it is.

4. Believing In Yourself

Don’t get an inflated ego, but believe in yourself. If you’re weighed down with doubt, it’ll hinder your progress. Drop the arrogance, but don’t become insecure either. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, stay committed to your vision, and believe you have what it takes to accomplish it!

The Fast Track

You can try to climb up the corporate ladder, but be wary. Most ways of fast tracking that climb can be very risky. If you want to take on extra risk, go for it. However, if you prefer a slow and steady approach that is fine too. Again, it just depends on your personal situation and goals!

Do You Need A Degree To Climb The Corporate Ladder?

No, you don’t need a degree to climb the corporate ladder. A lot of small or medium sized companies may not care if you have a degree. At that point, the only barrier to growth is your skillset. However, some medium sized companies and most large companies will care about a degree. In fact, it may be a requirement to even be employed there, or to achieve managerial positions.

At the end of the day, a degree isn’t mandatory, but it does make climbing the corporate ladder easier. Consider what you want to do, if you’re debating college. If college helps you make a lot more money, or climb the ladder faster, then it’s certainly worth considering.


I hope this helped you understand more about the corporate ladder and how to climb it. If you have any tips for others, share them with us in the comments! Of course, careers aren’t everything, so be sure to find a side hustle or enjoyable hobby to fulfill you in other ways. Your career is just part of the picture!

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Top Recommendations:

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