50 More Productive Hobbies: Stay Busy While Having Fun

Here we are again, going over 50 productive hobbies! I went over 10 in my original article, but I also covered 20 others in another article as well. Some of these hobbies are expensive, some are cheap or even save money, and others can make you money. The only criteria I focused on was hobbies that are productive – either through financial, physical health, or mental health benefits. Without further ado, let’s dive into the 50 hobbies!

1. Upcycle

For those who don’t know, upcycling is the process of taking waste materials (or anything that no longer has a use) and turning them into something useful or decorative so that it can be reused. This can help you save more money, be less wasteful, and it can give you tons of fun DIY projects to do alone or with your family!

2. Stand-Up Comedy

Stand-up comedy isn’t for everyone, but if you can get into the swing of things then it can be great. Beyond the perks of just enjoying comedy, this can also help you hone your public speaking skills. Get stage fright? This could be a way to tackle that fear!

3. Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a great way to stay fit. No matter where you live, there are probably areas to go rock climbing near you, with an active community. Whether that’s an indoor rock climbing gym, or outdoor areas to tackle, this hobby is widely accessible. If you like the idea, at least give it a shot.

50 More Productive Hobbies: Stay Busy While Having Fun

4. Work On Electronics

Repairing and building electronics can be an interesting and time-consuming hobby. It’s useful to know the ins and outs of how your electronics work, but there are also tons of projects you can do that are bound to keep you interested and feel rewarding when you’re done. If you don’t know where to start – go grab an Arduino kit and start messing around!

5. Archery

This can be expensive to get into seriously, but it’s also fun and can let you get really competitive. There is a certain satisfaction that comes from practicing something like this endlessly, getting great, and becoming amazing at it. Beyond that, you could also mix this hobby with something like hunting!

6. Make Better Coffee

If coffee is a significant part of your life, or you drink some every single day, then getting into the process of making great coffee can be exceptionally rewarding. In fact, it may even save you money in the process. You could start simple, by learning new ways to brew your coffee. For example, you could learn how to make coffee with a pourover, and master that skill. Then you could move onto things like roasting your own coffee beans until you find the perfect balance. Eventually, you’ll make your perfect cup of coffee and have tons of fun experimenting along the way!

7. Enjoy A Nice Cigar And Relax

Hear me out on this one. Enjoying a nice cigar might not seem like a productive hobby at first. However, it can give you a nice period where you can just relax and think about life. Having time for contemplation is a huge boon. Or, if smoking a cigar alone isn’t your thing, it can turn into an activity you do while enjoying the company of your friends.

8. Make Your Own Mead

Mead is delicious, and it’s one of the easier alcoholic beverages that you can learn to make. If you’re interested in something like that, then making your own mead can teach you a lot and give you a delicious drink at the end of the process.

9. Quilting

This is an enjoyable hobby that gives you something to do with your hands. It can entertain you, and then when you’re done you have a new piece you’ve made to enjoy!

10. Go To Concerts

Attending concerts, learning about music, and creating music are all fun hobbies that can teach you more about music as well as give you another way to socialize. If you’re exceptionally passionate about music, then do yourself a favor and just dive in.

11. Investing

Investing can be intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. Do some basic research first, and then dive in with a long-term strategy. There are countless things to learn, plus it’s a hobby that can help you build some serious wealth along the way.

12. Budgeting

This is a must for everyone in my opinion, but there is no reason it can’t be fun. Take the time to learn the basics of budgeting, but then have fun with it. For example, the envelope method is something a lot of people love to do that also helps them save money!

13. Poker

This is another one that you may not expect, but poker gives you more social time, plus it can help you learn how to read people. At the very least, a friendly game of poker is a nice way to enjoy some time with your friends.

14. Create The Perfect Fantasy Team

A lot of people are into fantasy sports. If you love sports, then do yourself a favor and give this a try too!

15. Write Letters

Writing letters is becoming increasingly less common these days. You can keep the tradition alive, and learn a neat skill in the process. Improve your handwriting, create custom thank you letters, and let other people know how much they mean with a personalized touch!

Write Letters

16. Create A Book Club

If you’re an avid reader, then creating a book club gives you a way to socialize, an excuse to read another book, and it gives you the opportunity to dissect a book in detail. You might need to find the right book club niche to get into, but it’s a great hobby for anyone who is an active reader.

17. Learn About Wine

Learning is always a productive hobby! If you’re a fan of wine, then learn about the history of wine, how it’s made, differences between regions and varietals, and just about every piece of information related to it! Wine has been a big part of human history, so there is no telling what you might learn through the process.

18. Read More About History

That brings me to my next point. Learning about history is immensely productive. It can help us understand the modern world better, but it also gives us lessons to remember and take to heart.

19. Fishing

If you’re a lover of the outdoors, then relax by your local lake and enjoy some fishing! It’s a relaxing hobby that can also help you bring home a nice meal.

20. Boating

If you enjoy the water, but aren’t content with just fishing, then learn about boating. It can be an expensive hobby to pick up, but you’ll learn a lot and have tons of fun in the meantime.

21. Jogging

If you’re not a fan of running, and aren’t necessarily into hiking, then you can at least jog! It’s a great hobby that can help you get or stay in shape, so don’t underestimate it.

22. Learn The Ins And Outs Of Grilling

We can all enjoy a good meal. If you want to make better dishes than ever before, or you just want to lean into the suburban dad stereotypes, then get yourself a grill and start making some great meals!

23. Meal Prep

Likewise, doing some meal prep, can help you eat tastier and healthier foods on the regular. All it takes is a little time each week to make and prepare delicious meals that you can enjoy for days.

24. Skiing

If you’re able to, skiing can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Of course, it isn’t for everyone and it may be seasonal, so keep that in mind!

25. Target Practice At The Range

Like archery, this can be fun to get into. You can lean into the competition side of things, or you can just do it to hone your skills and learn more. Either way, it can help you learn how to defend yourself effectively!

26. Canning

Canning is a fun way to preserve food. Combine this with something like meal prep, and there are tons of things you could do that would be healthy and productive.

27. Origami

Origami may not sound productive, but it takes time, patience, and it is a neat skill to have. Beyond that, it can help you with some of your other artistic pursuits too.

28. Foraging

Who doesn’t like fresh fruit? That alone is justification enough to spend some time foraging and enjoying the outdoors in the process!

29. Magic

This is another social hobby that can teach you a few things, but it can also be another way to connect with the community or spend more time with friends.

30. Sudoku

Sudoku may not sound like a great hobby, but it’s an excellent way to keep your mind sharp. Just don’t overdo it, as Sudoku may get tiresome if you do it constantly – find a nice balance instead.

31. Creating Jewelry

Creating jewelry gives you a wonderful product that you can either sell or wear yourself. Either way, it could net you more money or just save you money in the long run since you don’t always have to buy your own jewelry from the store.

32. Geology

Geology is a lot more interesting than most people give it credit for. Diving in may teach you a lot more than you ever expected!

33. Master The Game Of Chess

Chess is an ancient game, with a lot of merit to it. If you want to test your mental skills in a fun way, this may be the perfect way to do that! Join a local chess club or play online if you really want to test your skills. Even if you’re a beginner, there are countless communities to join with people willing and eager to help.

34. Robotics

Similar to building electronics as a hobby, this can teach you a lot about how things work, plus give you something neat in the end.

35. Make Better Tea

Like coffee, learning to make better tea can be worthwhile. Find the perfect steeping method that works for you and hone your skills!

36. Cosplay

It’s not for everyone, but oddly enough cosplaying teaches you a lot of skills. You have to create a costume, do research about the character and the costume, and then socialize while you’re cosplaying. There is a lot to it, and it’s niche to begin with, but you may find it rewarding.

37. Mentoring

Mentoring others is always a great way to spend your time. We need more people mentoring and helping the next generation build themselves up, so this is a worthwhile pursuit for everyone.

38. Landscaping

Want to make your property look nicer than ever? Then get into landscaping! At the end of the day you’ll either improve your own property or learn a skill that you can use to help others or make more money.

39. Become A Prepper

I’m not saying this is necessarily a practical endeavor, but it can help you be ready for different types of emergencies, and you’ll certainly learn a lot in the process.

40. Crosswords

Like Sudoku, this is a nice way to keep your mind sharp. Just make sure you don’t overdo it!

41. Becoming A Horologist

Making watches can be a fun pastime, and it will give you a lovely end product. In the worst case scenario, learning the mechanics behind watchmaking is interesting enough in and of itself!

42. Bonsai

Bonsai is a nice hobby that can help you out, but it also gives you some wonderful scenery. If you’re interested in gardening, but want it on a smaller scale, this could also fit the bill for you.

43. Enjoy Some Pipe Tobacco

Just like with cigars, hear me out on this one. Enjoying some pipe tobacco might not seem like a productive hobby at first. However, it is amazing for deep introspection and contemplation when you need it. I’m not recommending you start smoking. If you already smoke though – try out pipe tobacco as well.

44. Model Kits

For those who don’t know, building models is a great hobby where you create a physical representation (also known as a model) of some object or place through kits or built from scratch using materials found by the model builder. Model kits come with all the pieces needed to make one complete model. There are a variety of common scales used for different types of kits – like 1/144 or 1/60. Models are usually created in such a way that it is substantially smaller than the real thing, but proportionally accurate.

This can be fun, it teaches you how to use various tools, and it can encourage creativity and craftiness!

45. Dungeon And Dragons

D&D may not seem like a productive hobby, but it’s a great way to socialize with friends. Furthermore, it encourages its players to think creatively and solve problems. If you also like writing, this can even give you ideas or help with worldbuilding elements!

Dungeon And Dragons

46. Car Restoration

Does more need to be said? It can be an expensive hobby, but restoring a car is an enriching process that leaves you one car richer!

47. Building Legos

Hey, don’t judge this! It can help people stay creative, plus it can be a wonderful bonding experience if you have kids.

48. Axe Throwing

Like archery, you can do this for the fun of it, or you can even get into competitions and really push yourself!

49. Floral Arrangement

Understanding floral arrangement is a nifty skill to have. Whenever you buy someone flowers, this skill will always come in hand!

50. Editing

Learning how to edit can make your own works better, plus it can turn into a freelance job for yourself. Either way it’s valuable, and it can be a fun way to make your works or that of others even better.

Really, Most Hobbies Can Be Productive

At the end of the day, most hobbies can be productive. Whether or not it’s “productive” has more to do with your mindset and how you approach it than it has to do with the specific hobby you chose.


There we have it, another 50 productive hobbies that you can jump into today! If you have any recommendations of your own, let us know in the comments.

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