20 More Productive Hobbies: Stay Busy And Have Fun

Here we are again, this time going over 20 more productive hobbies. I went over 10 before, so if you want the full list then check out that article too. Some of these hobbies are expensive, some are cheap or even save money, and others can make you money. The only criteria I focused on was hobbies that are productive – either through financial, physical health, or mental health benefits. Without further ado, let’s dive into the 20 hobbies!

1. Sports

Sports, generally, are great and productive hobbies. This is true for a lot of sports, but I’d like to use basketball as an example – as I did in my article on frugal hobbies. It’s easy to do regularly, and it’s not as expensive as you would expect.

For example, if you go to a gym, then you likely already have access to everything you need to play basketball. Even if you don’t go to the gym, basketball courts are frequently found in public parks and the like. It shouldn’t be hard to gain access to a court – at which point all you need is a ball to play or practice. This also translates to sports like tennis fairly easily.

Another useful tidbit is that basketball is a sport that makes it easy to practice alone. You don’t necessarily need a full roster to do proper drills, and you can always play small 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 games. So, if you’re looking for a good sport and don’t have access to a team, go for one that makes it easy to practice in smaller settings.

productive hobbies

2. Lifting Weights

Lifting weights is a great hobby to stay in shape. It’s one of the more expensive ones, but there are ways to cut costs. If you already have a gym membership, then you’re set. For many, including myself, a gym membership may seem like an outrageous cost depending on what you’re getting. In that case, building yourself a home gym may be the best thing for you. It will be expensive at first, but it will pay for itself in no time.

For those with little or no experience lifting, I recommend you have someone help you learn (or take a class). If you don’t have proper form and patience with lifting, it can lead to serious injury.

3. Volunteering

This is another topic for which I’ve been clear about my opinion. Volunteering doesn’t cost any money – just some time. It’s a great way to contribute to the community, build relationships, and get that rewarding feeling that only comes with helping others. If that’s not enough to convince you, some non-profits are actually willing to train you in valuable skills. In those cases they don’t lack knowledge, but they need more manpower to help them out. That can be a win-win for both of you!

4. Donating

Unlike volunteering, donating does take a considerable amount of money. However, it can be just as rewarding! If you don’t want to donate raw cash, you can always donate school supplies, food, clothes, and anything along those lines. There are tons of opportunities to donate, and it can be a rich experience.

5. Couponing

I get it, it sounds silly to a lot of you. However, growing up I met many people who were religious about couponing. As far as productive hobbies go, it has to be mentioned. The whole hobby is an effort in frugal living in and of itself. For those who get good at it, you can save a lot of money and free up some extra wiggle room in your budget.

It’s a niche hobby that few are interested in, but if you are even considering it right now then I’d suggest giving it a whirl. It doesn’t cost money and can save you a lot in the log run – if you don’t enjoy it you can always decide to do something else with your time.

6. Sewing

Like knitting, this is a hobby that people generally associate with older people. I don’t understand why, as it’s a great skill to have and can be a hoot as well. If you have tears in your clothes, a simple project could be to sew them and make them look brand new again. Once you get more skilled, you can make your own clothes if you want to! Fabric may seem expensive at first glance, but when you look at how much clothes cost these days, then you’ll realize how much this hobby can save too. All-in-all, it’s rather useful to be able to do.

Besides, everyone likes having someone around who can sew – especially during wedding season.

7. Being An Autodidact

Learning on your own is a wonderful and rewarding thing. Also, as I’ve mentioned several times, you have so many resources available to you these days. There is nothing stopping you from picking a topic and researching it. You can learn an immense amount this way. I know a lot of people whose main hobby is just researching and learning new concepts in their entirety. Once they’ve fully grasped one thing, they move on to the next and repeat the cycle. Eventually, that gives them an immense wealth of knowledge!

8. Photography

This one is actually a potential way to make money. To get started, it is fairly cheap. You can use your phone, or purchase a beginner’s camera, to get started. That will serve most amateur functions and give you a lot of pictures you can work with using free software on the computer. Of course, if you get really into it then cameras can get prohibitively expensive.

In fact, some of the more advanced software gets pricey too! Fortunately, the larger expenses probably aren’t necessary unless you plan on turning it into a business or side hustle. At that point, you’ll probably be able to recuperate all of the costs.

9. Drawing

Next up we have another item – similar to painting from my other article on productive hobbies. I’m sure we’re all aware of how cheap and accessible drawing can be. It can be as simple as sketching with a pencil. Of course, there can be more expensive parts of that hobby when you really dive in, but it’s inexpensive overall.

It’s perfect at keeping you creative and making you step back and take in your surroundings. It can also be a good source of self-reflection and stress relief.

10. Board Games

Board games can be a great productive hobby. It may initially seem expensive at first, but it’s not once you think about it. For $20-50 you can easily find a great board game, for 2-6 people (or more). Now, think about how many times you can play that board game over and over. A good board game is one that should be replayable with friends and family, which provides a great bonding experience. If you’re looking for a good family pastime, this could be it.

When thinking about board games, if you can’t imagine replaying it, then it may not be a great board game for you. Many people just aren’t into it like that, which is fine. However, for those who like board games it can be a great way to bond with friends and family!

11. Woodworking

If you find yourself fairly handy, then you could try out woodworking and learn the fundamentals of carpentry. You can fix existing furniture, or you could opt to build your own! Woodworking is limitless, and can offer endless hours of a productive use of your time. You could even create gifts or items to sell.

12. Hunting

Some people take issue with hunting, but I see no problem with it – especially if you eat what you kill. If you’re a fan of venison, and enjoy the outdoors, then this could turn into a great lifelong hobby.

13. Homesteading

It’s in the same vein as gardening, for this sends you outside and has you constantly enjoying the greenery and the sunlight. Homesteading also helps you save money. You could produce your own eggs, chicken, dairy products, and even wool! There are tons of options available to you, so you can just go with what sounds the best to you – whether that’s growing some crops or managing livestock.

14. Side Hustles

I’ve mentioned some hobbies that you can turn into side hustles, but I’m being a little more general here. Starting side hustles in and of itself can be a hobby, in its own right. Open a laundromat, set up some vending machines, buy a self-serve car wash, or just do some plain old freelancing. Figure out something you can do to make extra money for your household. It doesn’t have to be intense or overly complex, just have some fun with it.

15. Yoga

Yoga is another great physical activity you can do. All you need is a yoga mat and some basic knowledge. That can provide endless hours of activity – which is great for staying fit. If you have none of the knowledge required, you can always do research online. For those who still aren’t comfortable, you can take a class or two at your local gym. That can be expensive at first, but once you’re set you’ll never have to do that again (unless you really like yoga classes, specifically).

16. Meditation

Like yoga, this can be a great way to relax and unwind. If you find yourself stressing about everything in your life, this may be exactly what you need. The potential mental health benefits are astounding. Of course, unlike yoga, this isn’t a very physical activity. That can be a good or bad thing. If you’re hesitant, just give it a try – you might be surprised!


17. Translating

If you’re already fluent in more than one language, this could be a good idea to do in your free time. Companies and individuals across the world will hire you to translate websites as well as medical, technical, and legal documents. Once you pick up a few projects and gain a good reputation, work will come more frequently. Alternatively, this can just be a great mental exercise – there is no need to monetize it if you just want to do it for fun.

18. DIY

This is somewhat similar to woodworking. If you want to work with your hands, but don’t necessarily like carpentry, try doing some DIY projects. It doesn’t have to be crazy or over the top, but DIY projects can be a fulfilling pastime. On top of that, it can also help you save money. Of course, for major projects that could be dangerous, I would suggest hiring a professional.

19. Thrifting

Ah, this is a great frugal hobby. Some people love it, others look down on it, but it’s undeniably a great way to save money. If you like getting thrifty and shopping for great deals, then tackle this hobby with glee! It’s cheap, helps you save money, and can even teach your kids to not place too much value on physical items.

20. Knitting

Knitting surprises people, but it’s a quality hobby. It keeps your hands busy, gives you something to work towards, and is pretty easy to keep to a budget. On top of that, at the end of the project you’ll have something tangible to keep as a reward for your labor. It can be a hobby that is off-putting to many on the surface level, but if you give it a shot you’re likely to be surprised.


There you have it, 20 more productive hobbies. If you have more of your own to share, let us know in the comments. For more content like this, and a free budgeting template and financial goals worksheet, be sure to sign up for the Bitter to Richer newsletter.

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