Achieving Success In The Workplace: Revamping Your Career And Finances

Covering the strategies that help people grow is part of why I started this blog! If you take away only one thing from this I want it to be that you know you can always work on something to get yourself to a better place than you’re in now – no matter what your current circumstances are. That’s why, in this article, I’m covering how you can achieve success in the workplace and revamp your career and finances!

Even if you’re on top of things, there is always room for improvement. However, if you have found yourself down on your luck, like many people, there are always opportunities for you to have a better life.

Achieving Success In The Workplace: Revamping Your Career And Finances

Change Your Head-Space

The first tip, and arguably the most important, is to change your head-space. If you have had a constant and consistent interaction with “bad luck” and are always upset with the cards life has dealt you, then it’s time to reevaluate your mindset. Yes, it’s possible you have had a hard time. You’ve probably overcome a lot of things that would’ve broken some other people. However, you did overcome it, and you’ve continued living. No matter what comes your way, if you shift perspective it can help a lot. Be thankful for what you have, and be ready to tackle life’s hurdles.

Make A Plan

Make a plan and be precise with it. This starts by figuring out and detailing your goals. If you don’t know what you want, then making a plan is pointless! I like to divide my goals into three categories – medium-term, short-term, and long-term. Short-term goals are things you work towards over the course of a few days to an entire year. Medium-term goals usually take anywhere from one to three years to reach. Long-term goals take at least three years to reach, and can often take decades.

I like to work backwards with my goals. I start with my long-term goals, then I figure out the medium-term goals I need to reach to make the long-term goals a reality. After that, I list out the short-term goals I need to accomplish in order to reach my medium-term goals.

Stick To It

This goes with setting your goals and creating a plan. Starting with a plan is useful, but it’s pointless if you don’t work towards it and stay consistent. Consistency and discipline are what turn people into success stories. If you aren’t able to keep at it, even when the going gets rough, then expect to wind up where you started, just as bitter as ever.

Find A Good Partner

A good partner can make a world of difference when it comes to bettering yourself as well as your finances. If you haven’t yet, make sure you talk about money and goals with your partner when you’re in a serious relationship. It’s important to have that type of ongoing communication, especially if you have or want to merge finances. A good partner will make it easier to stay on track and can even help you with some of your financial responsibilities.

For those of who you don’t have a significant other in your life, you can still have a partner that will help you get your money or career in check. With a close friend, or even a family member, it may be worthwhile to have an accountability partner. This is someone you talk to frequently who will help make sure you’re staying on track to reach your goals.

Stop Underestimating Yourself

At some point, you need to stop underestimating yourself. Of course, don’t let your ego become huge. However, with most people it seems that the limiting factor is what they think they can actually do. If you tend to think you can’t do something, I encourage you to push yourself to see what you can accomplish. You’ll likely be surprised. For those who overestimate themselves – just dial back a bit.

Start With The Small Things

This is one of my favorite pieces of advice that most people gloss over. You need to start with the small things – the minor goals and tasks – even if they seem completely insignificant. Before you invest a million dollars, you need to save $1000 or even $100. Likewise, before you can squat twice your weight, you’ll likely need to start lower and work your way up. It’s important to start somewhere and build yourself into what you want to become. It’s harder than it sounds, and certainly not glamorous, but it’s important to start somewhere so that you can get where you want to be. You can’t expect to instantly be at your end goal with no work to get you there.

Stop Being Envious

If you want to achieve real success in the workplace, then you need to stop with the jealousy. Envy is a disgusting thing to see, and I’m sure you’ve been disappointed with yourself for feeling it before. Envying someone else does nothing to help you out. I know it can be easy to slip into that, especially when you’re focused on improving your career, but don’t compare yourself to anyone but yourself.

Be happy for others when they’re successful, but don’t envy them. Instead, see what you can learn from their success and see if you can apply that in your own life or career. Surround yourself with people who are in a better position than you, and you’ll see lots of areas to grow and get a lot of educational tidbits.

Don’t Dwell On The Past, But Learn From It

This goes with learning to forgive, but you also shouldn’t dwell on the past in general. Specifically, you shouldn’t dwell on things you’ve done, or bad things that have happened that were out of anyone’s control. Obsessing over unchangeable things that already happened is a recipe for disappointment, anxiety, and even depression. Whatever happened in the past is in the past. If possible, learn from it. However, don’t let your past mistakes hold you back from a richer and more rewarding career.


As I said before, surrounding yourself with successful people will do nothing but help you. Now, don’t go around asking for handouts, but try to meet new people from many different backgrounds. You’ll learn a lot, have new opportunities, and possibly gain several great friends along the way. With that being said, don’t force things or focus purely on what you can get out of a networking event or a new relationship. Keep your mind open and do your best to create connections that are mutually beneficial. If you try to take from people without giving in turn then nobody will want to continue networking with you, much less work with you on anything or give you advice.

Be Introspective

This is one people have a lot of trouble doing, even when they’re aware of the need for it. Sometimes you just need to get comfortable with yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions. Understanding yourself is the key to improving yourself so that you can have a brighter tomorrow. Learn what makes you tick, what drives you, and figure out what methods work best for you. Everyone works differently, what helps you stay productive is likely far different than what helps me or someone else stay efficient. Many people are uncomfortable with introspection, but it can be one of the most enlightening traits for you to have.

Take Care Of Your Body

This one is easily as important as being financially secure or keeping your mind sharp, but I tend to see it overlooked all the time. Your health shouldn’t be your last priority, it should be one of your top concerns. Do yourself a favor – eat healthy and workout. If you don’t have a good gym nearby, or want to save money, then buy a home gym. There are absolutely no excuses for you to not have a healthy life. Besides, the healthier your body is, the better your mind will be and the more energy you’ll have to get everything you need done for your career.

Seek Help

For those of you who want to become richer, and less bitter, it’s important to seek and ask for help when you need it. When you need advice, turn to someone you trust. If you need an accountability partner, find someone who can serve the role. If you need financial help, don’t be afraid to ask people more knowledgeable than you or do some research. There is no shame in learning from others and asking for assistance if you need it.

Don’t Forget To Keep A Record Of Your Accomplishments

When it comes to your career, keep a good record of your accomplishments. It’s useful to have at your disposal during your interviews, and it can help you build a case for a promotion.


There we have it, ways for you to go from bitter to richer. If you have any tips of your own, be sure to let us know what they are in the comments. Let me know which tip resonated the most with you, and which one you wish more people would take to heart!

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Top Recommendations:

  1. If you want everything in one place, check out my Financial Fundamentals spreadsheet. It includes a budgeting template, net worth tracker, financial goals tracker, and even calculators for short-term savings goals, retirement, and home affordability!
  2. For those who are new to saving and investing, Acorns is a huge boon. Think of it like training wheels, as it can help you start off on the right tracking by automating your savings and investments - and teaching you what you need to know along the way.
  3. Personal Capital is one of my favorite tools. It has a plethora of features for you, and contains a multitude of free financial tools that make it easier than ever to manage your money.
  4. My favorite brokerage is currently M1 Finance. They have tons of great index funds, ETFs, and stocks to choose from. With them investing is easy and highly customizable. Whether you're an advanced investor or someone who prefers simple solutions, they will suit your needs.