Frugal Hobbies: Jigsaw Puzzles & Tips For Beginners

In my series of articles on frugal hobbies, I break down an individual hobby for people who want to have fun without breaking the bank. The overview will include the details of the hobby itself, how to go into it with a frugal mindset, and the best ways to make use of your money. Not all of the hobbies covered are cheap or easy to get into, but I find ways to help you save money while still being able to partake in your favorite pastimes.

Jigsaw Puzzles

At some point, we’ve all done a few jigsaw puzzles. You may’ve done it in elementary school during free time, but you also probably did it at home or at a daycare. Either way, you’ve undoubtedly encountered jigsaw puzzles during your childhood. In fact, most people seem to look back on them fondly. However, as we get older and leave our childhood behind, it’s easy to forget the fun hobbies and pastimes we enjoyed back then. Jigsaw puzzles shouldn’t be forgotten, and they’re definitely worth getting back into as an adult. There are several perks of routinely doing puzzles – plus it’s a fairly inexpensive hobby anyway.

Frugal Hobbies: Jigsaw Puzzles & Tips For Beginners

Well, Where’s The Fun In Doing Puzzles?

If you remember jigsaw puzzles but can’t figure out what the fun is in piecing them together, then you probably aren’t a good fit for the hobby – which is perfectly fine. There are countless hobbies to pursue, so it’s okay if this one isn’t the right fit for you. If you’re somewhat on the edge and don’t know for sure if you want to start doing puzzles again, let’s go over some of the best perks of doing jigsaw puzzles as a regular hobby.

Puzzles Are Relaxing

First off, the primary reason for any hobby is that it’s relaxing. Doing puzzles is a nice way to unwind after a long day. It doesn’t have to be the only tool in your arsenal to help you relax after a hectic day, but it’s nice to focus on a straightforward task like doing a puzzle and chugging along until you can complete it.

Puzzles Can Be Fun

Next up, puzzles are tons of fun! If you enjoy keeping your mind active, it can be a great way to spruce up your day-to-day and sprinkle some enjoyment throughout. Puzzles are easy to start and stop, and you can even work on it as you pass it in your house. In other words, you can do it off and on so it’s not a huge time commitment.

It Offers Family Time

Of all the common, frugal hobbies, few are as good for family time as puzzles. You can sit together with your spouse and kids and discuss your day – or just opt for a movie with the puzzles instead. Either way, doing jigsaw puzzles is a great way to spend time with the family and it can help you work together too!

Puzzles Help Keep Your Mind Active

We can all appreciate the value of staying sharp as you get older, and keeping your mind active through a hobby like jigsaw puzzles is one great way to do that. It’s not the only hobby that can do that by any means, but it can certainly serve the purpose well. As you complete puzzles, you’ll encounter gaps and problems that you’ll have to piece (hah!) together to accomplish it.


There are many great retailers you can purchase your puzzles from. Not all are equal, but puzzles are generally available at a low cost – no matter where you are.

Walmart And Other Supermarkets

Walmart isn’t a bad spot to start looking for jigsaw puzzles. There is usually a large or decent selection, and prices are mostly fair or just slightly more expensive than what you can get from other places. All-in-all, it’s nice since it is widely available, but you’ll probably branch out once you get more into the hobby.

Target often has nice puzzles, but it is usually more expensive than Walmart for an equivalent one. With that said, you may enjoy the selection at Target far more. It’s worth checking both out.


Amazon is a bit of a mixed bag, to say the least. Often, jigsaw puzzles may be far more expensive on Amazon. However, there will occasionally be amazing deals on specific puzzles or brands, so it’s not a bad idea to keep an eye on any you’re looking for. Plus, with the free shipping, it can be quite convenient. It isn’t my regular recommendation by any means, but the convenience and occasional deals can’t be denied either. If there are specific puzzles you want, then keep an eye on your Amazon wishlist.

Buffalo Games

Buffalo Games makes tons of great puzzles. They’re solid quality, have a wide selection, and the price is almost impossible to beat. If you want a lot of great, high quality puzzles, then regularly shop at Buffalo Games. Even with the cost of shipping, they’re usually far cheaper than their counterparts.


Ravensburger is a brand with exceptional quality. Their puzzles are absolutely top notch, but they can be a bit more expensive. If you’re shopping for the best puzzle, and you’re willing to pay a little more for it, then Ravensburger is a natural choice.

Ravensburger Puzzles

Tips For Beginners

Getting back into jigsaw puzzles can be a bit intimidating. After all, many of us haven’t done one since we were kids. Whether you were good at it then, and whether you’re bad at it now, here are several tips that can help you get back into it.

Start Simple – Begin With 500 pieces And Work Up

It’s better to start small and then work your way back up. If you haven’t done puzzles, or anything like it, in a long time, then pick up a few 500 piece puzzles. It’s a nice way to start, the puzzles can be done quickly, and it will reintroduce you to the hobby. If you’re comfortable after that, then you can move into 750 or 1000 piece puzzles and so on.

Pick An Intuitive Design

Sometimes the design is even more important than the number of pieces. For easier puzzles, make sure you pick one that has good color separation. In other words, easier puzzles should have clear colors and shifts so that it’s easy to tell which piece belongs where. For example, some scenic puzzles can be hard if they use a lot of the same color. Likewise, puzzles that are just color gradients and transitions can be hard to put together since it’s difficult to identify the general area where many pieces should go.

Set Aside A Big Enough Space

Make sure you have enough space for your puzzle. For smaller puzzles, you can probably work on a coffee table. If you are into the larger puzzles, then you should set up a workstation for your puzzles or do it on a larger table.

Start With Corner And Edge Pieces

This may be obvious for some, but it’s a good idea to start with your puzzle’s corner and edge pieces. They’re easy to identify, and it’s the best place to start so you can begin building all of the other pieces off of it.

Use Sorting Trays If You Need Help

Sometimes it helps to sort pieces into trays or cups. Some people like to sort by color, while others like to sort by the number of prongs on the piece. Whatever way you want to sort is up to you – but give it a whirl and see if it helps you with larger puzzles.


Hopefully this helped encourage you to try out jigsaw puzzles again. If you decide to take up puzzles as a hobby, I hope you enjoy the process! It’s best to keep it simple when you’re first starting out. Try to ease into it with some easy and small puzzles. Once you’ve gotten back into the groove of things, you can work your way up and start working on bigger puzzles with tons of pieces!

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Top Recommendations:

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