Learning To Be Happier With What You Have

I’ve heard it countless times – I’m sure you have too. Most people tend to believe they would be happier if they just had one more thing or achieved one more goal! Well, I’m here to say that you should learn to be happy with what you have. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue bigger and greater things, it just means that you need to learn how to enjoy what you already have. I understand the desire to constantly strive for the next big break, but there is a limit to what any individual can handle if they don’t allow themselves to enjoy the little things as well. Without further ado, let’s get into learning to be happier with what you have!

Learning To Be Happier With What You Have

Be Content With The Journey, Not The Destination

These days, a lot of people put too much effort into things that don’t truly matter. Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s important to work hard, and it’s important to work consistently towards your goals. However, there is a culture of pushing yourself so hard with the future in mind that you completely forget to enjoy the process as well as the destination. Besides, to be frank, if you don’t end up enjoying the journey then it’s doubtful you’ll be happy with where you end up.

Constantly Try To Improve Yourself

Aiming higher is a good thing in and of itself. It can be a way to help you keep your eyes on the prize, and all the little milestones along the way can help encourage you to keep going. Of course there are limits to this, as you don’t want to be unrealistic and bite off more than you can chew. At the same time, it’s important to try to keep pushing yourself to become a better version of you. In other words, improve yourself and work on getting to your goals, but also enjoy the present and the current blessings you have.

Stop The Comparison Game

I hate having to mention this, but it’s a must. Playing the comparison game will inevitably end with you feeling bitter. Obviously, we want to go from bitter to richer, not just get or stay bitter. Comparison is truly the thief of all joy, so if you have to compare yourself to somebody, compare yourself to your past self. That’s honestly your only real competition. As long as you’re making progress, that should be something to encourage you and help spur you on to a brighter future!

Let Go Of The Past

Learning from the past is mandatory for every successful adult. It can help if you want to compare, as your past self is really the only worthwhile thing to compare your present self to that can give you some sort of useful information. Of course, it’s also important to let go of the past and forgive yourself for your mistakes. Don’t get so caught up in beating yourself up that you can’t enjoy where you are now!

Delay Short-Term Gratification For Long-Term Results

It’s important to be willing to sacrifice the short-term for your long-term results. Buying less now may mean that you can get significantly more later. This is a simple concept, but one that may be hard for many to implement. When you think about it, this translates to just about everything in personal finance – especially retirement planning. Delayed gratification is hard for many people to commit to, but it is certainly worthwhile. This is not a contradiction of the purpose of this article – rather, it’s affirmation that it’s possible to prepare for your future while still enjoying the present and all the wonderful things you currently have going on in your life.

Balance Work And Relaxation

Obviously, if you spend too much energy on just work, then you may end up feeling unfulfilled or miserable. Burning out is a real ordeal, and one that can be avoided by minimizing your workload coupled with the management of stress that can complicate your life. Remember, if you end up burning out, you can set yourself back. If you learn to manage your priorities and balance it with time for rest and relaxation, that can set you ahead. Obviously, we all want to get ahead, but it’s also understandable to pursue other interests and have a break every now and then.

Find Time For Your Passions

Passion can be a good thing, even great at times, but choosing a long-term profession just because of it is dangerous and irresponsible. With that being said, it is incredibly important to incorporate your passions into your lifestyle to a certain extent. Nobody wants to work and hustle all day with no room to pursue things that really drive them and bring them joy – that’ll only lead to burnout in the near future.

Figure Out What You Want

I’ve covered minimalism at length before. If you don’t already understand what minimalism, why people pursue it, and how it can help your life, then be sure to read that article in full. However, most people are probably well aware of minimalism and it’s benefits – at least in theory. It’s all about figuring out what you want and dropping the things you don’t really care about. I mention this because in a way that’s a good philosophy for other parts of your life too, not just the financial side of things. By focusing on the things that truly matter, you’ll end up being far more appreciative of what you have, both in terms of physical possessions as well as your own personal development.

Let Go Of Material Obsessions

This is one of the keys of being happy no matter where you are or what you have. Drop the obsession with having so many different and unnecessary things. The average consumer doesn’t need what they buy, and usually don’t really want it. Perhaps they want it in the moment, and buying it makes them happy, but that joy dies off fast. It’s wise to drop the things that aren’t serious concerns or wants for you, so that you can spend more time, energy, and money on the things you truly care about.

This translates more than just wants and hobbies though. The classic example is work boots. If you buy a $40 pair of boots, that will almost certainly wear out within a year of serious work. However, if you buy a good pair of boots for $200, then you’ll have a set that could last you many years – even a decade. A good pair of work boots is more expensive up front, but it’s cheaper over the long haul. Plus, you get a more comfortable boot the entire time! That’s just one example, but that’s the general appeal of ideas like minimalism. There will be less, but what you have will be much better and higher quality.

Spend More Time With Loved Ones

At the end of the day, life is a bit of a balancing act. We can never have all the answers, and focusing too hard on any one thing can be a bit too much to handle for any individual. You need to strike the right balance between work and play, especially regarding things like spending time with your friends and family.


Hopefully this gave you some helpful ideas and tips for learning to accept where you are and be happier with what you have. If you have any thoughts or tips of your own, feel free to share them with all of us in the comments.

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Top Recommendations:

  1. If you want everything in one place, check out my Financial Fundamentals spreadsheet. It includes a budgeting template, net worth tracker, financial goals tracker, and even calculators for short-term savings goals, retirement, and home affordability!
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